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Yazan Alrefaei

Research Assistant Professor

Green Recycle Symbol


My name is Yazan Alrefaei

I obtained my Doctor of Philosophy degree in Civil Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) in 2021 as HKPFS awardee. I graduated with M.S. Degree (2016) and B.S. Degree (2013) from Kuwait University. Prior to joining PolyU as a Research Assistant Professor, I worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at PolyU. Further, I worked as Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant at Kuwait University prior to joining PolyU. My research interests primarily revolve around chemically-activated binders, such as one-part alkali-activated materials and silico-aluminophosphate geopolymers. My target is to functionalize such binders in practical engineering applications. In addition, the utilization of recycled materials in construction is my goal to promote sustainability and greener construction.

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Research intrest

Functional geopolymer binders 

One-part alkali-activated binders

Phosphate-based Geopolymers

Recycled materials for construction

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